Tuesday 18 September 2012

Goodbye Gallbladder

Tomorrow I am going in to have my gallbladder taken out, as it has started to cause problems.

I recommend that if you are considering sleeve surgery that you also budget in gallbladder removal as, most people i know have had to have it out as rapid weight loss can cause gall stones.

Gallbladder pain is crazy and should not be taken lightly as it could also be a number of other health problems. However i recommend going to a private hospital over than public as i went to a public hospital via ambulance and got a doctor who was anti gallbladder removal and refused to test for it, and a week later after seeing a gp and my surgeon, it needs to come out as its inflamed and started to cause problems to my liver.

I can not eat a subway 6inch wrap - over two sittings, so i break it in half and then eat from the middle. The ends for the wrap are usually just wrap and i just throw them out.

Tuna and biscuits are still a favour snack and once i have no gallbladder i shouldnt have any problems eating anything.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

36.something kilos to go :)

Waiting to get under 100kg! Should happen very soon :)

I still can't work out what I look like, but I guess that will take some more time.

Picture is of dinner when out, that's what's left after I ate!
But that's ok most places let you take away the left overs.

Thursday 31 May 2012

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Food Photos Update

Fish- barramundi eaten over hours
Zucchini slice muffin
Cruskits with Philly and sundries tomatoes - only ate two
Two angus beef mini patties
One angus beef pattie with Chinese cabbage salad - before and after.